Wednesday, May 13, 2009

there goes a tumbleweed...

Finally.  in.  Denver.    Ride took FOREVER.  Don't believe mapquest on trips out west and always allow for extra time.  My mom and I left Pensacola on Tuesday at 7:30 in the morning only to arrive in St. Louis at nine thirty...  somehow a little shy of the 10.5 hours the estimates gave.  Today the trip to Denver was slightly better, but definitely long.  Kansas is NOT a place I think I could live for any extended period of time.  I think we saw a total of two towns over a hundred people, those being Topeka, and wait, well, make that one.  The entire state is incredibly flat with a few rolling hills, some tumbleweeds,  and multiple interesting highway attractions.  The billboards touting these very tempting side shows included wonders such as the live 6-legged steer, the world's largest prairie dog, rattlesnake jewelry and Dorothy's house from the Wizard of Oz.  My mom was quite upset that we didn't stop at any of them.  The prairie dog was hard to resist...

One nifty thing we did see was a windfarm - crazy how large those things are.. but with all of the land out there , you wonder why we don't have more.  

So on to architecture and preservation....  :-(  Becky told me about this cute little town called Independence that we would pass through in Kansas, so we went.  It has this cute little downtown with a bowling alley and a movie theater and delis and shops.  Oh, and this huge gorgeous courthouse in the middle of town square that has grass and benches and trees all around it.  Oh WAIT, no....  they ripped out all of the grass and benches and trees up to the edge of the building and are adding seventy more parking spaces.  :-(  Made me want to cry a little.  

Other than that, I'm hanging out in Denver for a few days here with my friend Robyn from college.  I think so far I my want to move here one day.  So many cool things to do.

Now I'm off to the REI store...  4 stories of camping goodness!!  :-D

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