Okay, so today's a quick post.... and the photos are totally out of order, but I thought I'd put up something... So going from the bottom of the photos... Anna and I went for a hike up death canyon trail... started out climbing rocks and ended in the snow...
as for internship fun... Al (one of the preservation crew) and I went to do a condition assessment on a backcountry cabin on Lower Berry Creek. Ended up wading through two feet of icy lake water after a forty minute boat ride. Actually was a blast. And then the ride back................. well, the smoke explains it all pretty much. We didn't make the park significant rescue events for the next day's report, but we did have to get picked up by the park's boston whaler rescue boat. AH, that reminds me.... I do need to tell the story of how we DID make the park's dispatch report the next day the night of our potluck party. that story's for next time. I'll have to take the time to write that one out before hand.
Anyway, miss you all and love you all!
Like mother like daughter... Your mother has used that "damsel in distress" routine to meet the coastguard rescuers when sailing...:) Your summer sounds like a blast. The scenery is beautiful and it sounds like a great group to be traveling with. Take care...