So, I know it's been forever since I put up a post here, but I thought I'd put one more up before I leave. The last few weeks have been a little crazy at work trying to finish everything up and leave what I've been owrking on in some sense of order, in addition to freaking out about my thesis project. The other thing I've also been doing is realizing how much I haven't been able to do while I've been here... hikes, climbs, bars... So, this past weekend my fantastic friend Robyn and her fiance Justin came to visit and we took a trip up into Paintbrush Canyon. We camped at Holly Lake and well..... there was no snow when we got there and this is what we woke up to. It was 28 degrees when I left my cabin this morning, so up there it must have been in the teens. I FROZE in my bag rated for 20 degrees. I think I spent the entire night rubbing my legs to keep them warm and fell asleep for about an hour from the exhaustion.

It was FANTASTIC though the next morning. The most amazing sunrise ever... What an amazing thing to see before I leave. What a change it's going to be to come back to the humidity of Charleston. I'm a little worried about hopping off that plane into the heat. Anyway, I'm going to miss Jackson and Grand Teton so much and I am so not ready to leave yet. For those of you who I haven't talked to recently, I'm seriously considering the move out here after graduation. It's such a wonderful place full of friendly people that love to spend time in the outdoors. Until then, I'll be in school and working at Half-Moon - yay!

See you all soon! I'll be flying into Charleston on the 22nd because I have a wonderful mother and she's agreed to fly out here and drive my car home so that I can stay out here for another week. Love you, mom. :)